
Get ready!

Here’s your list of what to bring and what to do to prep before your first day of training with Jeni and Hillary!


Weeks leading up to class: Study

  1. Read the Frequently Asked Questions to be well informed.

  2. STUDY YOUR BONY LANDMARKS! These FasciAshi classes are heavy on the anatomy, so to keep up with the lingo, pull out your Trail Guide to the Body resources (or buy some new ones here) and start to study, recognize and PALPATE the topography of bones as well as the pathways of muscles.

  3. Need mobility/strengthening/stretching recommendations to get your body ready? No prob: click here!

  4. Are your feet soft enough?

  5. Need lodging accommodations? Scroll down to see our travel suggestions.

  6. Measure the height, width and length of your massage room. Measure the height of your massage table at your favorite setting. Take notice of what kind of ceiling you have (ceiling tiles, residential-style, vaulted, etc.) In our Fundamentals class, we will teach you how to build your bars, and knowing this information beforehand will help you tremendously.

Week of class: Prepare

  1. Tuition: Your remaining balance is due on the 1st day of class. Cash or check preferred, but cards accepted. Your registration confirmation email will include a link for you to pay any remaining balances online anytime.

  2. All major equipment is provided: Bars, straps, massage tables, pillows/bolsters with vinyl coverings for easy cleaning provided - unless otherwise stated in an email from your instructor.

  3. Sheets: Scroll down to see what you need to bring to our classes, or rent sheets when you get there. Sets of sheets/Linen’s, pillows and bolsters are available to rent for $10/day.

  4. What to wear? Something that breathes well, that you can move in, and is still appropriate for a professional massage setting. Not short shorts that are unprofessional or revealing during the seated parts of the material, and not long pants that drag on the client. Yoga clothes work great. Sometimes we hold non-massage portions of class outside, so please also bring weather-appropriate clothes.

  5. PPE! If the county that the class is located in is labeled as “Red or High” on the CDC Community Levels, then masks are required for all participants in our classes - even if you are vaccinated. Otherwise they are optional. Please choose a form of PPE that securely covers your nose and mouth - here are the CDC’s recommendations. You’ll need a new mask daily, and we recommend bringing 2 per day of class in case one gets soiled, and we expect that you practice proper Donning/Doffing procedures. Masks need to fit snugly below your chin and bridge of the nose. KN95’s are highly recommended since we will be indoors so long each day. Loose-fitting or thin-layered fabric masks will need to be doubled-up - such as adding a surgical mask with your favorite cloth mask on top.

    When required, failure to wear appropriate PPE will result in dismissal from class with no refunds or CE’s. Please respect the professionalism and precautions we are taking to protect everyone involved.

  6. Want something fun? Click save the image below and share it to your social media profiles during the days you are off work and in training: it’s FREE SOCIAL MEDIA CONTENT to share and get your clients/friends/supporters excited for you!

Learning Myofascial Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage


Right-Click-Save-As this picture, and use it as FREE social media content to share with your clients/friends/supporters while you are in class with us! They are going to be just as excited as you are!

Don’t forget to tag @TexasAshiatsu & @CenterForBarefootMassage in your posts so we can see, too!

During class:

  1. Please do not arrive any earlier than 15 minutes prior to class- but do not be late! Every minute counts, your timeliness at the start of class and after any breaks directly impacts the tone of the day. We cannot permit early dismissal for any registrant- CE’s and video resources will not be issued if the entire class is not attended.

  2. You are welcome to bring your breakfast, water bottles and coffee with you, we start each morning off with a group discussion.

  3. Bring Snacks & Stay Hydrated! Mini-Fridge, water, and microwave onsite - space is limited in the mini-fridge so keep your portions to a daily size. This physical massage can work up your appetite!

  4. Respect the space. Other massages may be in session for the local businesses. You will be responsible for following the training center’s cleaning and disinfecting protocols for your massage stations.

  5. Respect your classmates and instructors time: although we all want to connect to likeminded individuals and receive validation, feedback and help on a variety of things, as well as find new friends, please do your best to focus on the task at hand, stay on topic, maintain personal and professional boundaries, and remember that everyone learns differently. We are here to learn Barefoot Massage together, so let’s focus on that together!

Travel Plans

San Antonio Classes:

Find our Location  -  maybe schedule a massage with Jeni's staff at Heeling Sole Barefoot Massage the days before or after class.

To improve ventilation and fresh air, the classroom windows will be partially open, regardless of the weather. House AC/Heat will be adjusted to balance any extremes in temperature, but please dress in layers to assist in your temperature comfort levels.

Dallas Classes:

Find our Location - maybe schedule a massage with Hillary at The Heeling Hut, previously known as Gaia Bodywork the days before or after class!


For all classes, bring the following:

Fabric-free, cleanable flip flops that aren’t worn outside - something you can clean and disinfect between clients.

Foot cleansing disinfecting spray or antibacterial gel

Water bottle to refill for your own hydration

Soft, hydrated feet with short nails!

Massage linens are explained below>>>>

Linen List for each class:


  • 2-4 sets of linens - if you bring 4 sets, this is 1 clean set for yourself each day, plus 1 set for your Clinic client. If you bring 2 sets, it’s 1 for you to reuse daily, and a fresh clean set for your client.

  • Each set of linens includes: Face Cradle Cover + Top & bottom sheets (twin works best- our 35" tables in the classroom don't always fit typical massage warehouse sized sheets)

  • 4 wash cloths or hand towels

  • 4-8 KING pillow cases

  • You will be provided with a FREE 8oz jar of PurePro cream to use in class - but feel free to bring your favorite lubricant.


  • 2-3 sets of linens- if you bring 3 sets, this is 1 clean set for yourself each day, plus 1 set for your Clinic client. If you bring 2 sets, it’s 1 for you to reuse daily, and a fresh clean set for your client.

  • Each set of linens includes: Face Cradle Cover + top & bottom sheets (twin works best - our 35" tables in the classroom don't always fit typical massage warehouse sized sheets)

  • 3 wash cloths or hand towels

  • 4-6 KING pillow cases

  • Your favorite lubricant. Less is more. I prefer something with a lot of grip like Beeswax.


  • 2-3 sets of linens- if you bring 3 sets, this is 1 clean set for yourself each day, plus 1 set for your Clinic client. If you bring 2 sets, it’s 1 for you to reuse daily, and a fresh clean set for your client.

  • Each set of linens includes: Face Cradle Cover + top & bottom sheets (twin works best- our 35" tables in the classroom don't always fit typical massage warehouse sized sheets)

  • 3 wash cloths or hand towels

  • 4-6 KING pillow cases


  • 3-4 sets of linens- if you bring 4 sets, this is 1 clean set for yourself each day, plus 2 sets for your Clinic clients. If you bring 3 sets, it’s 1 for you to reuse daily, and 2 fresh clean sets for your clients.

  • Each set of linens includes: Face Cradle Cover + top & bottom sheets (twin works best - our 35" tables in the classroom don't always fit typical massage warehouse sized sheets)

  • 4 wash cloths or hand towels for yourself

  • 6-8 KING pillow cases

  • Your favorite lubricant.

Fijian Matwork:

  • 2-3 sets of linens- if you bring 3 sets, this is 1 clean set for yourself each day, plus 1 set for your Clinic client. If you bring 2 sets, it’s 1 for you to reuse daily, and a fresh clean set for your client

  • Each set of linens includes: Face Cradle Cover + top sheets (twin works best)

  • 4-6 King Pillow Cases

  • 4 washcloths or hand towels

1-day Track Classes (Hot Ashi, Clinical Neck)


Intensives with Jeni:

1 sets of linens- this is 1 clean set for yourself

  • Each set of linens includes: Face Cradle Cover + top sheets (twin works best)

  • 2 King Pillow Cases

  • 2 washcloths or hand towels

  • For Clinical, your favorite lubricant. Less is more. I prefer something with a lot of grip like Beeswax. (No need for any lubricant in the Hot Ashi class)

4-day intensive classes: 3-6 sets. This means that 1-4 sets for yourself, (if you prefer a clean set for yourself daily, bring 1, otherwise re-use daily and bring 4) + ALSO bring 2 clean sets for clients. Refer to the class names above for the corresponding combined classes (Intermediate+ROM, for example) to see what each set of linens should include.

5-day intensive classes: 3-7 sets. This means that 1-5 sets are for yourself, (if you prefer a clean set for yourself daily, bring 1, otherwise re-use daily and bring 5) + ALSO bring 2 clean sets for clients. Refer to the class names above for the corresponding combined classes (Intermediate+Advanced, for example) to see what each set of linens should include.