Classes offered by the Center for Barefoot Massage
Any Center for Barefoot Massage class offered in Texas will be listed below.
Some classes on our schedule are hosted classes from other barefoot massage and bodywork industry leaders. Please visit these "FEETured" guest instructors website for more info on any class not listed below.
1 day sports classes
This track of classes will focus on injury prevention and mobility-based approach. New courses will be released as developed and can be taken in any order, as long as the therapist has completed their ROM Endorsement process.
1 day Sports & clinical workshops
This track of classes will focus on a rehabilitation and injury-treatment based approach. New courses will be released as developed and can be taken in any order, as long as the therapist has completed their Advanced Endoresment Process.
intro sample class
Available to be scheduled at AMTA Chapter meetings, massage conventions and at massage schools. Email us your interest!